Sunday, October 5, 2008

Team work

Anyone can fall for someone who gives them a hand, in especially, a difficult situation. Team work is such a hidden treasure that not so many team mates find. It does not come on a silver plate. There is so much self sacrifice involved as the interest of the others and not personal interest, has to be put first on the list. How many have been blessed by your special gift and spirit of kindness?
'Even through the waters and over the rocks, give me your hand and let me support you'

Ever feel lazy to pray, tired of praying, not interested or find no reason for praying? Here is help.

Remember someone somewhere is praying for you. That God, the best team-mate, may hold your hand and strengthen you through the tough times...
That's why you ought to pray for others., for they might be going through rough times and only your prayer can make the difference in their situation.

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