My mother is a hero. You must be saying, " every ones mother is". But that is up to you 'cause you have to take the privilege of praising your own mother yourself. Adolescence usually makes mothers and daughters rivals, but soon this stage is gone and a girl ought to appreciate their mother for all the efforts made towards protecting them, and that's where they are headed after all.
Ever taken time to notice the natural artistic skills of a mother? A home would never be the same without a mother. Some things can naturally be possibly done by women only, and by women, i mean 'real women'
See that hand grip? You needed to have seen the love in the air! By no means can you ever recognize pain or sorrow by merely looking at these two faces. Smiles are so healthy. Make them part of your meal every day. Mothers also have a special touch that drives away pain and worry.
Their love is sacrificial. A mother would rather die than watch their child go through pain and suffering. It goes beyond appearance, behavior, mental abilities...of a child.You may not believe me 'cause you ask, "what about those that abandon one day- old babies in dust bins, hospitals, toilets...?"Well, motherhood is not a matter of being able to conceive and give birth. It involves holistic ( all-round) bonding between mother and child. i.e. love, compassion, care, well preparedness... So one should never wake up one day and think of becoming a mother without counting the costs, lest one just remains a woman due to being feminine by creation.
Forget about the times when they get tough on the child. It's an act of love to correct a straying loved-one.
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